Club Activities

Club Activities

CO-Scholastic Activities and Club Activities

DPS Kolar Road is committed to provide and build a holistic curriculum that ensures the all-round development of your ward. Keeping in tune with our ideologies, we organize CLUB ACTIVITIES that take into account the varied interests and every facet of our students.

CO-Scholastic Activities for Classes IV-V

  • Fireless Cooking 
  • Science Xplorers 
  • Mental Maths 
  • Life Skills 
  • Spoken English 
  • Quiz-Wiz 
  • Health & Hygiene
Club Activities for Classes  VI to IX 
  • Young Explorers Club (Science)
  • School Band
  • InteGreat (Maths Club)
  • Fun N’ Art Club
  • S.W.A.P Club (Speaker, Writers Authors, Poets Club)
  • Instrumental Club
  • MUN Club
  • Martial Art Club
  • Dramatics Club (English)
  • Dramatics Club (Hindi)
  • Tech Wiz Club (Computers)
  • Health & Hygiene Club
  • Community Service Club
  • ATL Club 
  • Shooting Club 
  • Scouts & Guides