Graduation Ceremony Class Prep

Graduation Ceremony Class Prep

The Effulgence - Graduation Ceremony Class Prep 2024

“Celebrate endings- for they precede new beginnings.”

DPS Castle of Dreams Kolar witnessed a heartwarming spectacle as the young Prepites embarked on a new chapter on Tuesday, March 5, 2024, with the theme – “Effulgence: Kaleidoscope of Hues,” aptly capturing the essence of our little ones’ unique personalities, each shining brightly like a kaleidoscope of colours.

The ceremony was graced by the esteemed chief guest, Mr. Ajay Pal (actor and director), along with the honorable members of the management Dr. Dharam Verma, Director Academics, Madam Principal, Madam Vice Principal, Madam Head Mistress, and the Academic Coordinator of the zone.

The programme commenced with the ceremonial lighting of the lamp, illuminating the path of knowledge and wisdom. A melodic welcome song and a graceful dance performance set the stage, encapsulating the spirit of anticipation and excitement. The highlight of the day was the graduation ceremony, where each child, adorned in a graduation gown, received a certificate acknowledging their achievements and growth. The atmosphere echoed with thundering applause as the young achievers received their certificates.

The dignitaries graced the occasion with their pearls of wisdom, emphasizing the importance of fostering creativity, curiosity, and resilience in young minds. They congratulated the young Dipsites for their performance and urged them to retain the winning spirit and unflinching zeal throughout their lives. In his address, the Chief Guest praised the learning atmosphere of the school and congratulated the graduates and parents. The graceful dancers of Class Nursery showcased “Swirling Colors” through their captivating performance to bid farewell and good luck to their seniors.

The Effulgence - Graduation Ceremony Class Prep 2023

“Graduation is not the end; it’s the beginning.”

Celebrating milestones provide good memories that one can keep forever. The Graduation Day for the Prep students of DPS Castle of Dreams Kolar reverberated these words as it was an exciting milestone and the first step towards their formal schooling.   Graduation Day with the theme– “The Effulgence- let your little light shine”, was conducted to applaud the young enthusiastic learners of class Prep for their commendable performance in the session 2022-23 on 4th of March,2023.

The celebration commenced with the lamp lighting ceremony to evoke the blessings of Goddess Saraswati followed by a Prayer Dance- ‘Ray of Light’. The occasion was graced by Dr. Shrikant Trivedi, Senior consultant Psychiatrist, as Chief Guest. The gathering was addressed by Madam Principal Ms. Vandana Dhupar, highlighting the vision of the school and role of parents and teachers in the students’ learning process.

The graceful dancers of class Nursery gave a bewitching performance to say bye- bye and wished good luck to their seniors. The felicitation of the delighted Radiating Prepites, decked out in Graduation robes and capes strode the stage. Effulgent students were felicitated with graduation certificates.  The tiny tots left everybody spell bound as they sang melodious welcome song and danced on tunes of some vibrant music   displaying breath taking shinning colours with coordinated movements that also set the tone and mood of the atmosphere at an all-time. The Chief Guest addressed the gathering and stressed on the importance of being patient and receptive with their children. The programme culminated with the Vote of Thanks by the Head Boy of classes 1 & 2. It was indeed a joyous and memorable day for the little ones and their parents.