July 11, 2024 2024-10-08 12:07MUN

DPS Kolar Model United Nations is a youth-driven initiative, which owns its roots in Bhopal- The City of Lakes. It is a platform that offers an opportunity for young ignited minds. It understands the urge, power, and potential of today’s youth and offers an opportunity to transform ingenious ideas. Students of DPS Kolar avail an enriching MUN experience which makes them aware and concerned global citizens. It also helps them to realize their responsibility at the global level.
DPS Kolar MUN Chapter- 6 ( October 4-6, 2024)
Theme – “Igniting Change: Youth Leadership for Global Progress”
Scheduled for October 4-6, 2024, this premier educational simulation offers an unparalleled experience:-
#18 diverse committees,
# 8 intensive committee sessions,
# 2 engaging social evenings.
A standout feature is its inclusive approach for fostering age-appropriate debates and learning experiences for the students of grades V to VIII.
An elite Executive Board, whose collective expertise spans over 1000 MUN conferences. Participants will delve into pressing global issues, developing critical thinking, public speaking, and diplomatic skills. The opportunity will challenge delegates to envision and debate innovative solutions for world problems and prepare them for future leadership roles. DPS Kolar MUN Chapter 6 promises to be a transformative experience, shaping the next generation of global citizens and change-makers.
For further details and updates check the website :

DPS Kolar MUN Chapter- 6 ( October 4-6, 2024)
*Grand Conclusion of the Sixth Chapter of Model United Nations at Delhi Public School, Kolar Road Bhopal
The three-day chapter of the Model United Nations (MUN) at Delhi Public School, Kolar Road, Bhopal concluded with an impressive closing ceremony on October 6, 2024. The event brought together, students from schools across Bhopal, Indore, and Assam, who actively participated in discussions on significant global and national issues, showcasing their diplomatic skills and leadership qualities.
DPS Kolar MUN that was held between October 4 to 6, provided a platform for the young minds to debate on critical issues through various prestigious committees which includes five Indian and Nine International committees.
The delegates worked on complex issues and proposed peaceful solutions, embodying the true spirit of the United Nations.
The event was not only an intellectual pursuit but also featured a lively cultural evening, where the students celebrated the success of the event with great enthusiasm.
The school’s Principal, Mrs. Vandana Dhupar expressed her appreciation for the participants, for their reasoning abilities, and collaborative spirit.
She congratulated the Secretary General Navya Parwani and Director General Vanshika Rajput for organizing and executing the event with great success. She specially appreciated the Chief Advisor Mr. Manas Dowlani for his exceptional organisational skills.
DPS Kolar MUN Chapter- 5 (20-22 October 2023)
“The world has now become a global village and there is no age too young to prepare for the future.”
DPS Kolar MUN Chapter -5 was organized from 20th October – 22nd October 2023 at DPS Kolar Campus. MUN Chapter -5 was inaugurated by Madam Principal Mrs. Vandana Dhupar and the Executive Board Members. Around 500 delegates from different schools across the Country registered for this three-day gala event.
The inclusion of the students of classes 5-7 to nurture their debating, and research skills at this age was another steppingstone of MUN chapter -5. Special committees such as Rajya Sabha, UNHRC, UNGA, and UNEP were introduced for these young delegates where they all discussed various global issues such as Reviewing India’s education system, advancing the human rights of migrants, implementing & future of the comprehensive nuclear test, encouraging the transition of green economy etc and drafted the resolutions with a common consensus

Other issues like communal violence addressing the Manipur conflict, Citizenship Amendment Act 2019, Civilian Protection with special reference to safeguarding vulnerable population, etc were also discussed by the delegates of class 9-12 in committee sessions and the draft resolution was prepared with the majority of the mandate.
DPS Kolar MUN Chapter – 5 created history by providing the MUN platform for discussion, debate, and solution to our most precious students of ‘Somvati Devi Shiksha Kendra’ to bring them to the same stage where they too can equally participate, negotiate, debate and bring the change. The enthusiasm of the students was commendable and they witnessed this occasion through their valuable participation..

DPS Kolar MUN Chapter- 4 (23-24 December 2022)
‘The world is now too small for anything but peace.’
Model United Nations trains students to become tomorrow’s leaders. Delhi Public School Kolar Model United Nations (MUN) Chapter -4 was organized on the 23rd and 24th December 2022-23. 430 delegates from various schools across the city witnessed Chapter -IV. As delegates of various UN Committees like – UNWTO, WHO, UNGA, UNW, & Indian Committees like Lok Sabha, & AIPPM they participated in the committee sessions and debated on various issues of global concern like Revitalisation of worldwide tourism after the COVID-19 pandemic, implementation of sustainable development goals, deliberation of women’s right with special reference to Taliban take over in Afghanistan & Russia Ukraine war, world health crisis, Public Health Bill 2017 etc.
DPS Kolar MUN Chapter- 3 (23-24 December 2021-22)
It included committees such as WHO, UNWomen, UNSC, ECOSOC, INDO-PAK delegation etc. The event was graced by the benign presence of respected Pro-Vice Chairman sir Shri Hari Mohan Gupta ji, founder and chairman Jagran Social Welfare Society Bhopal. Madam Principal Mrs. Vandana Dhupar welcomed 230 delegates from different schools across the city. She encouraged the students to grab this unique opportunity to widen their scope of knowledge & learning

DPS Kolar MUN Chapter- 2 (14-15 December 2019)
DPS Kolar MUN chapter 2 “BACK WITH THE BANG” began with “MUNIVERSE CARNIVAL” on 13th December 2019.
It was an initiative that aimed to provide a platform to all the aspirants who have a keen interest to take part and discuss and come out with the resolutions of global issues.
Two days committee session began on 14th & 15th December 2019. Four UN committees UNDP, WHO, UN Women, UNGA-DISEC and two Indian Committees Lok Sabha, AIPPM, & Press Corps (Journalism, Photography & Cartoonist) were the main attractions of the chapter.
Electoral reforms, slowdown of GDP & recession, Sustainable Development Goals, Hunger and malnutrition, and equal rights for women were the major burning issues which discussed in UN Committees and Indian Committee sessions. Delegates’ participation and their commitment to come out with a pleasant solution of these issues was remarkable.
DPS Kolar MUN Chapter- 1 (15 December 2018)
DPS Kolar MUN Chapter 1 was inaugurated on 15th December 2018 with the objective of learning skills like research, public speaking, debating, leadership, and diplomacy skills and finding out the logical and practical solutions to the issues that are prevailing in various UN nations around the globe.