January 13, 2024 2024-07-27 6:25Shikshakendra

Somvati Devi Shiksha Kendra

Somvati Devi Shiksha Kendra was inaugurated in 2016 to provide quality education and for the upliftment of weaker sections of the society. It imparts quality education and knowledge to underprivileged students for their development and growth. Jagran Social Welfare Society along with the Delhi Public School Kolar Road Bhopal join hands to fulfil the common goal – Right to Equality and Excellence in Education with the start of Somvati Devi Shiksha Kendra.

This school runs classes from 1st to 8th standard. Students are provided with training and instructions as per the M. P. State Board curriculum completely free of cost. All these facilities are provided in the DPS Kolar campus itself.
The families below the poverty line (families with BPL card and Samagra ID) are eligible to seek admission for a single child. Girl child is given the preference. Admission starts from class I.
Medium & Affiliation
Shiksha Kendra is affiliated to Madhya Pradesh Board of Education. Syllabus covered by the school is according to the MP Board. The medium is English.
Uniform and Stationery
Students of SOMVATI DEVI SHIKSHA KENDRA receive uniform, which includes, shoes, socks, bag, dress, sweater, belt and tie after every two years. Free transport is available for the students. Stationery items like books, notebooks, pens, pencils, erasers, sharpeners, refills etc. are given to the students according to requirement free of cost. The entire expenditure is governed by the management.
Cultural Activities / Co-curricular Activities
Different types of cultural activities are conducted throughout the year. Students participate in many activities like Annual Function, School Birthday etc.
Students are made to participate in various competitive exams such as Hindi Olympiad, Sanskrit Gyan, Spellbee, Essay Writing and Drawing Competitions.
Students take part in a variety of sports like Cricket, Football, Kho-Kho, Races, Sack Race, Skipping Race, Discuss throw etc.
Exam and Parent-Teacher Meetings
Subject Weekly-Tests of 20 marks are scheduled on every Friday. In all, six cycles of weekly tests are held during each session. Two terminals and an annual examination are scheduled in one academic session. Term-wise, each paper carries 50 marks. OPEN HOUSE is arranged after every three months. Parents get free transport to attend the Open House. They attend it with enthusiasm.